When Smokers Quit- Benefits of Quitting

20 minutes after quitting, your heart rate and blood pressure drops. 

  • 12 hours after quitting, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. 

  • 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting, your circulation improves and your lung function increases. 

  • 1 to 9 months after quitting, coughing and shortness of breath decrease. 

  • 1 year after quitting, the excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s. 

  • 5 years after quitting, your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting. 

  • 10 years aftering quitting, the lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smokers. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervice, and pancreas decrease. 

  • 15 years after quitting, the risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smokers. 

Penny Rea, Board- Certified Hypnotherapist, will help you QUIT Smoking in just 1 session. Trust her process, take time to better your health, and live a much healthier and happy life. Are you ready to put down the cigarettes for life? Schedule your appointment at Penny Rea Hypnosis Clinic in Little Rock! (501) 992-9060


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“I’m so grateful for the freedom she gave us both.”